Madrasah Fees
The fees for the madrasah are currently £525 for the full year. There is also a registration fee of £30.
The fees can be paid monthly, termly or annually.
Monthly - 12 monthly instalments of £45. This has to be paid on the same day every month.
Termly - 3 instalments of £175 per term. This must be paid at the beginning of the term in January, May and September.
Annually - 1 payment of £525. This has to be paid at the beginning of the academic year.
How to Pay
The quickest and most effective way to pay the fees is online. All proceeds received from fees will be used for the running of the Madrasah and to clear the Qarde Hasan debt of Masjid Ayesha.
Bank Transfer
To pay the fees via bank transfer, please send the payment to the following account:
Account Name: New Horizon Foundation
Sort Code: 230580
Account number: 46759168
Bank Name: Metro Bank PLC
Reference: Full Name of Student
Jazākallāh Khair for your support.